Season Update

17 Jul 2020 by SA Church Stars Basketball Club

Fixtures have started to be released, more will be added soon. You can view online here or by clicking on Schedule in Team App.

Electronic Payments
Our committee has passed on your feedback and questions about the electronic payment system. Once Basketball SA replies we’ll provide an update. For now, the latest information is “Cashless player entry. Basketball SA will transition during the early weeks of the season to a new match fee payment system using an app called ‘Teampay’.  This is in its final stages of checking before release.  While this app has been around for some time specific alterations have been added to work within the BSA system.  Shortly we will circulate user instructions and the date from which all player payments must be made via the app and door ticket sales will cease.  Tap/Go spectator entry payments will remain as before.”

Game Restrictions
From Basketball SA
“Players must arrive no more than 10 minutes prior to training or competition commencing. Teams will not be permitted to enter the stadium until the previous teams have vacated. Due to current indoor restrictions we are required to minimise the number of people congregating before, during and after games.  This requires the venue match start times be staggered throughout the evening allowing less congregation of people as they enter the venue/court.  We ask members to enter just prior to their game start time and to exit the venue/court straight after the end of their game.  Please ensure all members note the different start times of their games and these may vary depending on the venue.  We ask all members to be patient and follow venue signage and instructions from venue/competition staff.”

Further information

All the best for first games this week! Let’s represent our Club well and have a great season 🙌 💪

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